Rule #20 – Communication Protocol – WMHA Rules & Regulations Communication Process

If there is an issue or concern from the Membership, it is first brought forward to the Manager and is dealt with at that Level or if it is about the Manager then it is brought forward to the Director. If it cannot be handled at that Level it will come forward at the next Executive meeting via email to President, VP & Secretary from the Director. If it is an emergent issue an email will be sent to the President, VP & Secretary to consult with about the issues – 3 available times after work hours for in person or teleconference discussion with the Director. If the concern is about one of the Board members it will come to the President, VP & Secretary or two of these if about one of these positions from the Director. Same process will apply. Emergent issues will be dealt with, within 72 hours if at all possible. If a vote or decision needs to be made from the Board, the Secretary will send out the information via email to the Executive Board Members. Please respond to the President, VP & Secretary. Once a decision has been made the Director or a Designated Person will follow up with the response on behalf of the Board. The most recommended method of communication is the verbal method. The verbal face to face method is the best way to eliminate miscommunication and ensure that conflicts can be resolved swiftly and effectively (24hr rule shall be applied). There are times when this method is not practical or effective. Email correspondence may be utilized in these cases, however, be sure that the content conforms to the WMHA Social Media Guidelines. Email correspondence shall only be addressed directly to the intended party. Group emails should only be used for team communication purposes. 

24 Hour Rule Please be mindful of the 24 hour ‘rule of thumb’. Any issue or concern that is not deemed an emergency, shall wait 24 hours before initiating the Communication Protocol. This allows each party involved the ability to take a step back and clear the initial emotional elements.

Grievance Committee In the case where this protocol is not effective or practical, the case may be brought to the attention of the Grievance Committee. This option is only to be exercised when all efforts to utilize this Communication Protocol have been exhausted

Communication Protocol

Hockey parent/Guardian

(after 24 hours)

Team Manager

Coaching staff

Division Director

WMHA Executive


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